The 2020 Ontario Speed Skating Coaches Conference is going online! Join us during National Coaches Week and into October for a series of coaching webinars with speakers who are specialists in a variety of subjects.
We will kick off the conference on Wednesday September 23 at 8pm with Coaching in the COVID Reality - a sharing session featuring suggestions from speed skating coaches who have already returned to on-ice practices this season.
The conference will continue throughout September and October with weekly presentations including:
Long Track Technique and Tactics
with Jordan Belchos, Canadian Long Track National Team and OSSA Member
Tuesday September 29, 2020 at 8pm
Intuitive Eating: A Foundation for Health and Performance
with Heidi Smith (BSc, RD)
Thursday October 8, 2020 at 8pm
Safe Strength and Plyometrics Training for Youth Athletes
with Zach Skubnik (R.Kin, CSCS) of Mind to Muscle in Barrie
Wednesday October 14, 2020 at 8pm
Short Track Technique and Biomechanics
with Annie Sarrat, France National Short Track Team Coach
Sunday October 18, 2020 at 2pm
Coaching Masters Speed Skaters: Giving Due Deliberation to Age-Tailored Approaches
with Dr. Bradley Young (University of Ottawa), Dr. Scott Rathwell and Derrik Motz (University of Lethbridge)
Wednesday October 21, 2020 at 7:30pm
Description: This presentation will discuss evidence-based approaches to tailoring coaching practices to middle-aged and older Masters athletes. In particular, it will explore characteristics of a Quality Sport Experience in Masters sports and the value added in considering specific coaching approaches adapted to adults’ needs for self-directedness and their matured self-concept. We will review what our numerous interviews with Masters athletes have told us about what they want, need and prefer from engaged coaches, and how approaches in the Masters context are uniquely different to those employed with youth or in high performance coaching. We will introduce the survey we use for coaching workshops, which enables coaches of Masters athletes to self-assess and reflect on how frequently these use five important principles of adult-oriented coaching.
Dr. Bradley Young is a full professor in the School of Human Kinetics at the University of Ottawa. He has researched and published widely on topics relating to the psycho-social aspects of lifelong sport participation, the effective programming of Masters sport, and promotional messaging for recruiting more adults to sport. He writes and speaks about how and why older sportspersons commit to sport, the nature of barriers to sport participation in older adults, and instructional approaches with Masters athletes. His work is important to organizations and coaches seeking to use evidence-based practices to ensure Quality Masters Sport experiences for all middle-aged and older adults. A fledgling Masters athlete himself, a former university athletics coach, and currently a community coach, he has served as an advisor to the Coaching Association of Canada on Masters Athletes and is presently an advisor to Active Aging Canada and a member of a pan-Canadian network on Physical Literacy in Older Adults.
Dr. Scott Rathwell is an assistant professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta. His research program involves how sport and physical activity can foster wellbeing and psychosocial development throughout the lifespan, including the personal and psychosocial development of emerging adults (i.e., university athletes) and the psycho-social needs of adults sport participants and Masters athletes.
Derrik Motz is a master’s student in the Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education at the University of Lethbridge. Derrik’s research explores coaching practices relative to the context of Masters sport, the outcomes associated with adult-oriented coaching practices, as well as how athletic identities impact the overall quality of Masters athletes' sport experiences.
Coaching Girls in Sport
with Elizabeth Migneron, OSSA High Performance Director
Wednesday October 28, 2020 at 8pm
The cost of the 2020 Coaches Conference is $20.00 + HST ($22.60).
This fee includes all sessions as well as access to the Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders/Coaches e-Learning module.
Certified Coaches attending the Conference will be eligible for one NCCP PD Point per session attended on their Locker transcript.
Coaches who register for the conference but cannot attend a live session will have access to the session recording for a limited time.
Thank you to the Coaches Association of Ontario for their ongoing support of our Coaching Development programs!